police world Edition 1 2013
? Questions If you have any further questions please get in touch with us at the BSAC office via mail@ipa-uk.org or 0115 9813638
Throughout Section UK, members who have access to the internet are taking on responsibility for managing their own membership profile record. By doing so, they guarantee all communication sent from BSAC, Region or Branch reaches them on time and when relevant. They also help the Section create a profile of the broader membership which in turn helps the National Executive Committee (NEC) develop services and future strategy. Please keep your profile updated by visiting the Edit Profile page in the members’ section of the website. There, you will see a form similar to fig 3 below and printed right. Please amend any out-of-date information. Members without access to the internet can complete the form printed right, cut it out or photocopy it, and mail it to BSAC. Please only submit forms if you know your record is out of date.
Update User Details Title (e.g. Mr, Mrs) Surname
First Name/s First Name Initials
Changed your address? Primary Address
Town County
Postcode Country
fig 1
Telephone number (home) (work)
Mobile number
Email address (home) (work)
Date of birth
Your Police Service Details - Serving / Retired Your Rank Force
Your Force Occupational Status
Warrant Number Most recent station
fig 2
Date of retiring from force (if applicable)
Other Information List your interests or hobbies?
Section UK Specific Information *Date of joining IPA
(This data cannot be altered on the web form. In the event of error or omission, please contact BSAC or use this form to post an update).
Involvement within the IPA. The continued development of the IPA relies on volunteers. Please select how you will be able and/or willing to assist in the future:
fig 3
How to find the ‘Edit Profile’ webpage Step 1: Log on to the members section of the website. The page will state logged on, as shown in fig1 above, if this is done correctly. Step 2: Click on the ‘Edit Profile’ button as in fig 2. Step 3: The form, shown in fig 3, will appear. Please check if all details shown are correct and complete any missing information. Once amended click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Administration Development of Special Interest Groups Distribution of Promotional Material Hosting Visitors In Station Communication Involvement in Branch Activities Marketing and Publicity None Other (please state)
IPA Branch to which you wish to be attached
Would you like to receive Police World Magazine? Yes No (Removing the tick on the web form indicates you wish to cancel the mailed copy and are happy to receive a notification that Police World is available as a download instead). * Date of Joining – please check the date of joining shown on your new IPA membership card. If it reads 1.1.1995 then you need to update the records at BSAC. The reason the date is incorrect goes back to 1995 when all member records were imported from a database which held basic data sufficient only for mailing out to members and collecting their direct debit from the bank. There were a lot of gaps on records, including first names, gender profile, date of birth and date of joining. Unfortunately, the correct date of joining is still missing from some members’ records.
Police World Vol 58 No.1 2013
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