IPA News
Devon Branches Merge Sunday 23rd September was a special day for Devon Branch members. Following the closure of Plymouth Branch, a lunch was organised by the chairman of Devon in order to welcome the Plymouth members who elected to transfer to Devon. Boringdon Park Golf Club, Plymouth was the chosen venue. In total, 24 members turned out and it was lovely to see everyone having a good time. The Chairman welcomed everyone and announced the date and venue for our Branch Christmas lunch (Saturday 1st December at Mary Tavy Inn, Tavistock). It was good to see that members were anxious to meet again and were already putting their names on the list. It’s thanks to our Friendship Organisation for bringing us all together. sweet delicacies that destroyed anyone’s attempt at a sugar free diet. So, to our IPA friends around the UK, the next time you have the opportunity to visit Wales, make sure you stop and sample some of our country’s finest foods. If you are thinking of visiting our area, you are welcome to contact our Branch beforehand for some local advice. Leicestershire Branch mourns the loss of a 20 year certificate holder David Keith WARSOP, IPA Leicestershire, passed away in November 2018. He was the holder of a 20 year certificate. If its food you want – we’ve got it Ken Davies , Chair South Wales Branch & No 4 Region On Saturday 15th September, South Wales Branch made their annual visit to the Abergavenny Food Festival. The Festival was created in 1999 by two local farmers in response to the BSE crisis and the resulting lack of confidence in British produce. With the outbreak of Foot and Mouth in 2001, the difficulties worsened for farmers and pushed the Festival forward in terms of showcasing the wonderful food Abergavenney has to offer and the passion of the people who produce it. Since that time, the Fayre has taken on an international flavour and five years ago our branch was asked if we would endorse the Fayre because of our international status. A great friendship has risen between the local IPA and the Fayre organisers through one of our members, Willie Duggan, who is now on the organising committee and arranged for us to receive 20 tickets to the Festival. The range of local products and advice at these Food Festivals is always of a high standard and the Abergavenney event is absolutely no exception. This year there were food classes for kids, live bands of varying styles, local and international wines, local cheese and locally caught seafood. In addition, we listened to superb chefs who were on hand providing demonstrations, such as Afro Vegan with Zoe Adjoynoh and Quick Moroccan cooking from Nargisse Benkabbou. Then, pastry chef Laurian Veaudour, owner of the superb Cocorico Patisserie in Cardiff, produced some mouth-watering
Grunberg 2018 John & Anitra Bull , Thames Valley Branch
Over the past 30 years, Anitra and I have paid regular visits to the Gallusmarkt in Grunberg, Germany, where we stay with our friends Karl-Ludwig & Doris Ruckelshauss. Every year four people who were not born in the town are honoured with birth status in recognition for giving time and voluntary work to Grunberg. There is also an award for someone who has taken part in the market and given exceptional friendship to the town. I had been warned that something was coming my way this year and so, in front of over 3,000 people I was called to the stage by the Burgomeister. A history of my attendances was read out and I was presented with a uniquely decorated beer krug. I am only the 15th person to have this award and the first person from outside Grunberg let alone Germany. My speech (in German) was a blur but seemed to go down well as I had managed to open and close it with a few words in local dialect. I must say that the warmth with which I was received and congratulated was very moving. This all came about through an IPA friendship which has been going for 32 years. It was nice that the catalyst for our friendship, Rene Vuylsteke, was also present. We first met through an IPA visit by Milton Keynes Police to Wittlich in Germany. Here we met Rene who organised the annual Anderlecht Police March. This shows where IPA friendships can lead.
POLICE WORLD Vol 64 No. 1, 2019
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