IPA News
7 Region - Half Yearly Social Weekend Una Blundell , 7 Region and Devon Branch Secretary It was great to see such a good turnout for our November meeting in Torquay; which included two VP’s, Colin Hutt & Karen Duckworth. A talk on Cyber Crime security was given by Mick Harrison, who works for Devon & Cornwall Police as a Cyber Protect Officer. We thank D&C for providing this talk free of charge, which was most helpful amid the current climate of scams.
The meeting, which was chaired by our Regional Chairman Tim Faltermeyer, had highs and lows, with some branches struggling to form committees and hold events despite their hard work. There were also good news stories, with Hampshire Branch increasing their membership by 12, including six new serving officers from the Channel Islands. Our Region reported successful International visits and various local events. The social aspect of the weekend was most enjoyable, providing an opportunity to come together in friendship and fun. After the Gala dinner, Devon Branch member Michael Slade was presented with a 30 year certificate by Chairman, Keith Howard. Our next half yearly meeting and social weekend has already been booked at the Livermead House Hotel Torquay, 25th – 27th October 2024, at the same rates as this year. Further details will be published in due course.
Dave Medhurst: 50 Years Sussex Branch member Dave Medhurst, was presented with his 50 year certificate of IPA membership, by Branch Chair, Dave Stamp, at their branch meeting. Dave Medhurst joined the old Brighton Borough force in 1963, and after a period with the Stolen Car Squad he served in uniform in Newhaven. He returned to Brighton, and following a period in the Force Control Room, ended his service as the Inspector in charge in Brighton’s Control Room in 1995.”
Dave Medhurst receives 50 year certificate from Dave Stamp
POLICE WORLD Vol 69 No.1, 2024
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