
IPA News

Surrey Branch Christmas Lunch David King , Surrey Branch Surrey Branch were able to host their annual Christmas Lunch on Saturday 4th December 2021. This was the first event held by the Branch in 2021 due to Covid restrictions. Twenty Two members attended the lunch, held at The Wotton Hatch, Dorking, in Surrey. The lunch was enjoyed by all, and everyone enjoyed getting together, rather than meeting on Zoom. After lunch, I was privileged and proud to present seven IPA membership certificates to our wonderful members. Six were for 50 years of membership, and one was for 30 years. The recipients of the 50 year certificates were Harry Sales, John Harrington, Tony Davie, Tony Suter, Alan Bridgman and Ted Austin. What an achievement! It was so interesting talking to these 50 year stalwarts, about how they enjoyed the benefits of being in our wonderful friendship organisation. Some of the 50 year recipients highlighted the fact that Surrey was privileged that the late Chief Constable of Surrey, Sir Peter Mathews, was President of the IPA during the late 1960’s. He was a very keen supporter of the IPA and very much encouraged participation in the Association. We do need more senior police officers now to assist promotion of our IPA. The 30 year certificate was presented to John Hockley, who has also enjoyed the benefits of being a member.

A recollection of the Devon Branch friendship weekend 2022 Marilyn MacQueen , Devon Branch At long last this annual gathering could go ahead. Owen Harris, of the Devon Branch was the organiser, ably assisted by Una Blundell. Our venue was the Durrant House Hotel on the outskirts of Bideford. Boasting 125 bedrooms, two restaurants and a luxury salon & spa, it was well equipped to provide a relaxing break. The hotel was conveniently located just off the A39, and only a few minutes from Appledore, Westward Ho! and the town of Bideford. Some of the bedrooms even had views of the River Taw. On our first evening, we gathered in the Appledore bar, where it was lovely to see people renewing old acquaintances, and seeing some friends for the first time in over three years. Owen welcomed everyone, and gave an outline of what we could look forward to over the weekend. Saturday morning dawned bright, and after breakfast everyone was at leisure to do their own thing. Some chose to venture into Bideford, while others travelled further afield to Bude. Some took the opportunity of exploring the Tarka Trail or visiting the rejuvenated Fremington Quay, from where we saw various winter wading birds, including three Glossy Ibis. After a glorious day’s weather for our explorations, everyone gathered for evening dinner in the Venetian suite. Over 80 guests attended from the following branches; Avon & Somerset, Cornwall, Gloucestershire, Devon, Thames Valley, London North, West Mercia, Herts & Middlesex. After dinner a raffle was held. Our guests and the hotel had donated 25 prizes, with the proceeds going to the Devon Air Ambulance. Owen had arranged an entertainer for the evening, who played some melodies from yester-year, which had people tapping their feet, while the more adventurous took to the dance floor. Once again, Sunday morning dawned bright and dry. Some guests checked out after bidding fond farewells to their friends, whilst others stayed on for Sunday lunch, or for an extra night. All in all, a very enjoyable weekend.

Devon Branch Christmas lunch Una Blundell , Devon Branch Secretary Celebrations and Presentations were in abundance at the Devon Branch Christmas lunch, but after all, we had to make up for last year. Thirty people attended the lunch at the Mary Tavy Inn, on the edge of Dartmoor, and enjoyed a lovely three course Christmas lunch, which was subsidised by the Branch. The Branch committee took the opportunity to recognise the decades of IPA service by our members, and certificates were presented to those present. 50 years Graham Jewell, 40 Years Peter Brewer, 40 Years Della Cannings and 20 years Vince Bedford. A Signal Service certificate was presented to Derek Fisher, for his work with G7, whilst not forgetting our gratitude to his wife Pauline who worked equally hard.

Graham Jewell receives his 50 year membership certificate


POLICE WORLD Vol 67 No.2, 2022

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