
IPA News

Bedfordshire Chief Constable shows his support for the IPA Andy Marshall , Bedfordshire Branch Bedfordshire Chief Constable, Gary Forsyth, has graciously agreed to become Patron of the Bedfordshire Branch.

To celebrate this occasion, Branch Chairman Andy Marshall and Region 9 Chairman Chris Duncombe met with the Chief, to present him with a certificate and challenge coins. During the meeting they discussed the activities the Association can offer, and how the force can support and benefit from what the IPA has to offer. It was agreed that our Branch can now offer ride-alongs and attachments to international members wishing to experience policing in the UK. For the future, it is hoped that special leave may soon be available to serving members wishing to take part in IPA training or seminars.

Andy Marshall, CC Gary Forsyth and Chris Duncombe

Michaelmas Daisy: a fitting memorial Bill Butcher , Chairman Thames Valley Branch The poppy has always been associated with Remembrance but in my mind, it is fundamentally military. Indeed, the organisation that promotes the poppy and receives funding from its sale, is a military charity: The Royal British Legion. In my personal opinion, when remembering fallen police officers, our tribute should be something other than a poppy wreath. With Saint Michael being the patron saint of Police Officers, the Michaelmas Daisy seems the obvious alternative. With help from a dear friend, Sandra Gostling, we decided to make our own Michaelmas Daisy wreath and cross. Sandra is the daughter of the late Bill Dean, a former constable of the Norfolk Constabulary, so sharing my views, she was only too willing to participate. Pictured is Sandra and I, placing our “Police Remembrance” tributes at the police memorial situated at the National Memorial Arboretum. I hope that one day Michaelmas Daisy wreaths will become the norm for remembering fallen Police Officers.

Cumbria Chief Constable becomes Branch Patron Robin J Bell , Cumbria Branch Chairman As the Branch approaches its 50th Anniversary, the Chief Constable of Cumbria Constabulary, Michelle Skeer QPM, has agreed to become Patron of Cumbria Branch. Michelle Skeer joined Cumbria Constabulary in February 1990. She performed a variety of uniform operational roles before moving into CID. In 2009 Michelle was promoted to Assistant Chief Constable in Cumbria, performing the role of Gold Commander during the floods that same year. Michelle received the Queens Policing Medal (QPM) in the News Years honours list of 2017.

POLICE WORLD Vol 67 No.2, 2022


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