Spotlight on the SIGs
IPA –UK Amateur Radio Section James Bertram (Callsign: GM0GMN)
The IPA has had an Amateur Radio section for as long as I can remember, as have many other countries around the world including France, Germany, Finland and the United States, who are all very active. Since we refreshed the group just over a year ago, we now have some 120 members in the UK and abroad. W hat is Amateur Radio? Well, it is a popular technical hobby and volunteer public service, that uses designated radio frequencies for the exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self As a group, we continue to link with other IPA Clubs on the air and organise regular catch-ups for UK members. We already have a frequency for a Sunday evening catch-up and our own Talk Group on DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) which is TG 23597. If anyone would like further information on the IPA UK Amateur Radio Section, please contact me at
training and emergency communications. Amateur Radio is the only hobby governed by international treaty. As a radio amateur you are able to transmit radio signals on a number of frequency bands allocated specifically to the radio amateurs. Radio amateurs make use of their frequencies in a number of ways: • To contact people all over the world by radio, which often leads to developing international friendships • To compete in international competitions, in order to test how effective your equipment is, and how good you are as an operator • For technical experimentation — many of the leaps forward in radio technology have been initiated by radio amateurs • To communicate through amateur space satellites or with the International Space Station (which carries an amateur radio station) • To provide communications at times of emergencies, and undertake exercises to ensure you maintain the capability to do so. There is no better way to explore the fascinating world of radio than by becoming a radio amateur. The Club operates around its Facebook page, where members post daily updates and links, and arrange to speak to each other via the radio. Facebook has become a useful tool to drive the Club forward. We also have a Newsletter which we try to publish twice a year. Again, there are useful articles and competitions for members.
POLICE WORLD Vol 68 No.2, 2023
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