IPA Section UK - Gifts and Clothing all available to order
IPA Friendship pin with butterfly fastener £5.45 inc p&p 3 cm x 1.5 cm Bobby Helmet Challenge Coin £9.50 inc p&p 50 mm x 5 mm thick. 50p from each sale to Thin Blue Line
HM Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Challenge Coin £15.45 inc p&p 50mm dia x 5mm thick
HRH The Princess Royal Challenge Coin £15.45 inc p&p 50mm dia x 5mm thick Part of the proceeds go towards the IPA Charity 2022
Thin Blue Line Patch £2.95 * inc p&p.
Embroidered Badge with IPA logo £2.72 inc. p&p 9 cm diameter
10cm x 5cm - velcro backing
* Part of proceeds go towards the IPA Charity for 2022
IPA Section UK Engraved Hip Flask £21.45 inc p&p (9.5cm x 9.5cm x2cm) in silk-lined presentation box set includes funnel and 4 cups
Authentic British Police Whistle £13.60 inc p&p
8 cm x 1.5 cm in presentation box
IPA Bowtie £9.45 inc p&p
Tie £9.50 inc p&p IPA logo + on navy. 100% Polyester -
Ladies Scarf £16.95 inc p&p 100% polyester hand made - IPA logo 28 cm x 126 cm
IPA logo embossed on navy. 100% polyester – handmade.
handmade ( + embossed)
IPA Section UK (Region 1) Pennant £7.45 inc p&p White Pennant with saltire cross, white cord and tassels 14.5 cm x 23.5 cm
Car Sticker £2.72 inc p&p. 10 cm diameter. Self-adhesive.
Gold Pennant £7.45 inc p&p With gold cord and tassels 14.5 cm x 23.5 cm
Items can be purchased at Alternatively please order by email (, telephone (0115 9813638) or by post to IPA-HQ. Payment can be made by cheque (Payable to IPA and sent to IPA-HQ), PayPal (payable to or directly into our bank (NatWest, Sort code: 54-21-47, Account number: 22097864, Account: International Police Ass’n No.1 Account).
Can be embroidered with Section UK or IPA Scotland logos
Polo Shirt
Ladies Polo Shirt
Sweater (ladies or men’s)
Colour Variations Available
For current prices contact IPA HQ - Section UK by phone 0115 9813638 or email For overseas orders contact Richard Mattinson direct at ‘Stitch & Print’ on 00 44 16973 43546 or
Mail Order: To order a polo shirt, hoodie, jacket or jumper visit:
Made with FlippingBook Annual report maker