IPA News
A Letter to The Editor
I am writing to you because of the article in the recent Police World concerning “Touring the Tower; Ceremony of the Keys.” Please excuse the vagueness of what follows, but in 1974 I received the second of two criminal assaults both of which involved serious head injuries, with a lasting loss of memory and severe depression, and I was medically discharged. I still suffer these conditions and, though it was a long time ago, I write in the hope someone might remember the names to which I later refer. I am now 83 years of age and joined the Met in March 1959. Not long after joining I became a member of the IPA, when following a visit to the Tower, I met the Wapping Section House Sergeant who suggested I became a member. Prior to joining the Met, the sergeant had been a farrier in the ‘Blues and Royals’ and had served with the then Chief Yeoman Warder, to whom he introduced me. From then on my wife and I became guests every Tuesday evening at the Yeomans Warders Club and the Ceremony of the Keys, often seeing the Crown Jewels. In company with various Yeoman Warders, I would regularly escort IPA members visiting.
I believe at that time I was the first IPA member to have been so privileged although I know a few others were soon to follow, including my son who was in the Met. Sadly, after enjoying this privilege for some years, it ended, when my health needed a move to Wales, and I lost contact with the IPA but later re-joined. I hope there might be some older members with contacts at the Tower, and might know the name of the Section House Sergeant, who died when I lived in Wales. Or, even more unlikely, someone knowing the name of the Chief Yeoman Warder around 1959/60. During our years attending the Tower, we often departed quite late in the dark and we met some fascinating people and happenings, but neither my wife nor I ever met Anne Boleyn, with or without her head under her arm. Yours in Friendship Clive Townsend
Dear Clive Thank you for your letter. I always find the
reminiscences of earlier generations fascinating. I hope that Police World is able to reach some of your former colleagues for you. Neil If readers can help Clive identify the Section House Sergeant, or Chief Yeoman Warder, please contact Section UK on
50 Years of Memories David Herriott, Birmingham, West Midlands, Branch. Seeing the references in Police World of members being presented with long service certificates, I thought you may be interested in my 50 years of IPA membership. I joined the IPA in June 1969 whilst serving in the Birmingham City Police (later to become part of the West Midlands Police). During the mid 1970s I was the Birmingham Branch Chairman and was elected a Life Member in 1973. I then became the Branch Representative on the Regional Committee (No.5 Region) and from 1976-1988 I served as the Assistant Regional Secretary. I also served on the Regional Finance Subcommittee, and the Regional Study Tour Selection Subcommittee. I retired from the Police Service in 1988, but have continued my membership with the Birmingham, West Midlands Branch, now having been a member for almost 54 years. At the Branch AGM, held at Tally Ho, in January 2023, I had the honour
February 1988 on Red Nose Day
David Herriott (left) and Tom Chisholm
of being presented with my 50 year membership certificate by the current Branch Chairman, Tom Chisholm. This presentation had unfortunately been delayed due to the Covid pandemic and some health problems.
On patrol with IPA colleagues in Neumunster, Germany, in 1975
POLICE WORLD Vol 68 No.2, 2023
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