Contents Police World The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK
Vol 68 No.2 2023
Keeping You Informed 4–5 Keeping You Informed Clive Wood President of Section UK Professional Development 7 International Ambition Tom Atkins, London NSY Branch 16 Getting To The Truth Michel Funicelli PhD, North East Branch Feature Articles 5 Keys, Mash and Larry the Cat Alex Williams, IPA London Reception Officer 6 A Spanish Exchange in London Jose Carlos Vicente Gorostiza, Section Spain 8 Salieu’s story Pauline Newton –West Mercia Branch 9 National Remembrance Day Parade
Editorial Neil Hallam e-mail: Deadline for article submission for Vol. 68 Edition 3, 2023 is 16 June 2023 Dispatched July 2023
Advertising Michele Rai tel: (+44) 115 981 3638 e-mail:
General enquiries IPA HQ - Section UK, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. NG2 6AJ tel: (+44) 0115 981 3638 e-mail: Printed by Bishops Printers, Walton Road, Portsmouth,
Spike Elliott: Secretary, North of England (No 3) Region A Sheriff Comes to Town Steve Fuller, Kent & South East London Branch Nottinghamshire Memories Tony Berrington, Nottinghamshire Branch Chairman IPA opens a Gateway to the North Alex Williams, Secretary London North Branch
Hampshire PO6 1TR Graphic Design by BDS 21 Ltd Membership
Northern Lights Phil Neill, Greater Belfast Secretary
Membership of Section UK is open to serving and retired police officers, specials, police staff and police volunteers as well as serving and retired members of HM Military Police forces, the NCA and warranted officers of Border Force. Associate membership is also available. The membership fee tapers during the year and our 2 Together offer allows two people to join for £20 at any time of year. Annual renewal is £32. For full details of membership requirements and to join the IPA scan the QR code. A guide to Region numbers 1 - Scotland Region 2 - Northern Ireland Region 3 - North of England including Isle of Man Region 4 - Wales Region 5 - Midlands Region 6 - Central and West London Region 7 - South & Southwest including the Channel Islands Region 8 - East Anglia Region 9 - Northern Home Counties and North and Northwest London Region 10 - Essex and East London Region 11 - Southern Home Counties and South London Region
15 Living the Cave Life Tom Whitmore, Devon Branch 16–17 Celebrity, Spiders and Paddington Bear: A Journey through Peru Mark Faunt, Scarborough Branch Chair 26 Cycling in Gambia Baba Adeyeye, BTP Branch 27 Competition Win was right up our Prom Andy Gregory, Birmingham, West Midlands Branch News 20–23 News from around IPA Spotlight on the Interest Groups 11 IPA – UK Amateur Radio Section James Bertram 18 Motorcycle SIG visits Northern Ireland Rodney Mackenzie, Section UK Motorcycle SIG 29 Friendship across the Iron Curtain Ken Laidler, Merseyside North Branch
Interest Groups
Caravan & Camping SIG Defensive Tactics Group Family History Group
Motorcycle SIG Police Educators
Writers’ SIG Walkers’ Group Amateur Radio Section
Cover Photo Mark Faunt - Machu Picchu, Peru
Competitions 25
Crossword and Soduko WIN one of these books by Stephen Downing and Ron Turnbull
Sports 28
Haste Ye Back: hiking in Scotland Andy Wright, Secretary, Central Scotland Branch
Next deadline 16 June 2023 for publication July 2023
30 31
POLICE WORLD Vol 68 No.2, 2023
ISSN No: 0032-261X
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