IPA News
Caption Competition The Caption Competition Winner from this selection “Mum, please tell me we haven’t had our period of daily exercise today!” Mike Chappell “Aw come on Dad just one Duvet Day!” Judith Smith “What another walk, I had long legs when Lockdown started!” Betty Tyson “Give me the remote, I will show where the paws button is” Marylin MacQueen And the £20 voucher goes to Betty Tyson . Very well-done Betty and thank you Mike, Judith and Marylin for your entries. Every entry above is being placed into the grand prize draw which will be drawn on Members Day 15 December.
Poetry Competition Every few months the IPA have a writing, photography, and caption competition. Here is the winner of the writing competition for June ‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the West, not a glider was moving barely a black taxi at best. The queues at the shops had dwindled to none As the ladies and men got their prep all done. The nurses, doctors, paramedics and firefighters stand by They are still on duty giving their best through the nigh. All of a sudden comes a call for Police So I grab my belt, my torch and my fleece. We go out to help asking for updates as we drive What is it? A collision, a burglar or someone trying to survive?
Our world-leading security and policing courses are led by a research-intensive, multi-disciplinary community of criminologists who shape international policy and education. For over thirty years we have demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, enterprise and training. We are recruiting to the following courses: SECURITY AND POLICING QUALIFICATIONS Our world-leading security and policing courses are led by a research-inte sive, multi-disciplinary community of criminologists who s ape inter ational po icy and education. For over thir y years we have d monstrated exc llenc in teaching, research, ent rprise and training. We ar recruiting to the following courses: SECURITY AND POLICING QUALIFICATIONS Security and Risk Management MSc, PGDip or PGCert 2 YEARS BY DISTANCE LEARNING Designed for those with responsibility for crime prevention, risk and security within their organisation, this course features modules on cybercrime, terrorism and risk management. Policing BSc 3 YEARS FULL TIME, CAMPUS-BASED Uncover the realities of police work, explore the tensions and complexities of policing, and challenge conventional assumptions of the role of the police. Security and Risk Man gem nt MSc, PGDip or PGCert 2 YEARS BY DISTANCE LEARNING Designed for th se with respon ibility for crime pr ventio , risk and security within eir organis tion, this course features modules on cybercrime, terrorism and risk management. ww skmgt- sc dl Policing BSc 3 YEARS FULL TIME, CAMPUS-BA ED Uncover th realiti s of p lice work, explore th tensio a d complexiti s of p licing, a d challeng conventio al assumptions f the rol of the police. ww
Come on Vauxhall Insignia, come on armoured truck Let’s get there in one piece to rescue someones luck. As we arrive at the place, we are greeted with a sight It’s Santa in his sleigh having a break from his flight. He was dressed all in crimson with his hat on his head And the reindeer hooked up to his sleigh as they fed. He turns as he hears us when we arrive with our blues And bellows to the reindeer with no time to lose. Up, up and away into the cold winters night sky He disappears with his herd as I wave a goodbye.
No chance for a picture as he flew out of sight, But he roared “Happy Christmas to all and to all a safe night!” Cate Connolly , Northern Ireland Region
POLICE WORLD Vol 65 No.3, 2020
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