
Professional Development

“We want to see more Women full stop! But especially Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority Women and those who do not have English as their first language already in policing and coming into policing.” We are keen to not only identify the challenges that Women of Colour in Policing face, but also offer potential solutions. This will enable us to share learning and highlight the challenges women face in a way that does not leave us susceptible to negative feedback. Longevity is about building strong foundations. We alI want this programme to last - embedded in our organisational culture, now and for future women to come. This Movement works hard to elevate and champion female colleagues from different ethnic backgrounds. Every woman of colour who joins the police is pushing boundaries, often personally, societally, and even within their own families. We are the community, and we are being the change we want to see. This Movement is National, so we are now known as Women of Colour in Policing Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire. (WoCiPBCH). This Movement is supported by Bedfordshire Samantha Alexander Deputy Lead, leads for Cambridgeshire Sofiana Nasib, DC Barbara Lawrence, leads for Hertfordshire Lucy Sitton and PCSO Latoyah Henry as well all the volunteers and allies that support behind the scenes. What is Next: • Increasing knowledge and understanding of the lived experiences of women from ethnic minority communities and areas of intersectionality. • The burden of one: with numbers so low in many areas, there may be only one person of colour serving and having to be a representative as well as reflect the community and be a role model rests on the shoulders of just one individual.

• Speaking up and advocating for others – the unseen, unheard and often overlooked • Development opportunities – to avoid the loss of talent and knowledge. • Providing representation – on various committees such as Violence Against Women and Girls; Progression, Retention and Development board, to name a few. • Continue the work with collaborating with organisations to increase the awareness of this working. I heard about the IPA from a colleague Samantha Alexander WoCiPBCH Deputy Lead who is a Secretary for the International Policing Association. The IPA is an international policing friendship organisation across 65 countries. The opportunities to meet people both Regionally and Internationally are endless. I have learnt about the different educational programmes available to continue my professional development, the travel opportunities to name some of what is on offer. I am blown away by all the different cultures and again the opportunities to engage with people from across the world. I became a member because I did not realise there were opportunities like this available for someone like me. I want to embrace what the IPA is offering whilst supporting the changes it is looking to make in increasing diversity as well as encouraging more women through the launch of #sheisipa . I have also met some remarkable women on my policing journey from all walks of life both past and present.




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POLICE WORLD Vol 69 No.3, 2024

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