Professional Development
NCM Zooms in Spike Elliott , Secretary-General Section UK IPA
The 2024 NCM was held via Zoom on Saturday 8 June. The NEC gathered at Fox Road taking the opportunity to use the conference facilities that were available. Those representing their regions either hired meeting rooms in local hotels or dialled in from their favourite armchair! O ur President Clive Wood , who had just landed from an IEB meeting in Brazil, dialled in from his hotel room near Heathrow Airport, so the meeting was chaired by VP Social & Cultural Karen Duckworth. Gary Craig from the Thin Blue Line charity also gave a presentation about the support available and their new App. He asked for all present to assist in signposting anyone needing support to get in contact.
Plans for the NCM 2025 are well underway and will be held in person at the Union Jack Club (UJC) Sandell St, London (by Waterloo Station), on Saturday 7 June 2025. This will be an election year and the following posts will be coming to the end of their 4-year terms: President, Treasurer and VP Professional. The incumbent Treasurer and VP Professional will be standing for re-election. Millennium Shield Steve Bretherton was awarded the prestigious ‘Millennium Shield’ presented to him on behalf of the NEC, by Steve Palmer of Region 8. It was awarded principally for all his work on the new Memberbase, ensuring it was fit for purpose. In order to receive this award the NEC has decreed the following: ‘The Millennium Shield is awarded to an individual, group or region who, in the opinion of the National Executive Committee, have excelled in performance or contribution to the IPA as an organisation. It is only awarded when the NEC deems that such activity has taken place, not necessarily every year.’ Steve can be very proud of this achievement. ‘Well done Steve’ .
Holding the NCM via Zoom allowed many more members to attend and we had 100 members register but only 55 attended the meeting. We had 37 delegates representing all 11 Regions. After a few technical problems the NCM started just after 10am, the President of the IEB Mr Martin Hoffmann opened the meeting giving an overview of the IEB’s vision and their plans for the next four years. As this was not an election year and there were no motions, we went straight into the NEC’s reports, all of which had been circulated prior to the meeting. President Clive Wood spoke about his activities over the last 12 months. At the IEB Congress meeting in October last year, Clive stood for the role of Head of Administration as Stephen Crockard announced he was not seeking re-election. Clive was successful and is now the Head of Administration on the IEB for a four-year term and due to the time that both roles require he has decided he will not be seeking re-election as President of Section UK when his term of office comes to an end next year. So, if any member would like to consider standing for President of Section UK and would like to know more about the role, please contact Clive, who will be more than happy to talk to you. Clive also announced that HRH Princess Anne, the Princess Royal, has kindly agreed to be our Patron for 2025, which will see Section UK celebrate its 75th Anniversary. A full programme of events is being planned by branches and regions, but more on that in a future edition of Police World. Mike Vince Regional Treasurer of 7 Region was presented with Honorary Life Membership for his sterling service to the IPA over many years. The London Reception Officer Alex Williams had prepared a video showcasing photographs from the many and varied visits to London over the last year.
Steve Bretherton Millenium Shield Award
POLICE WORLD Vol 69 No.3, 2024
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