Police World Edition 2 2014


Let Therebe Amember fromSussexbranch, brought light to theCologne Carnival, inGermany, in2013by kindly donatinga lantern toaid volunteers in theirwork. TheCarnival inCologne, Germany, is ahugeannual event and culminates withaparade through the city. The parade lasts for about fivehours and iswatchedby about amillionpeople. Organisers often inviteperformers from carnivals suchasNottingHill, Liverpool andBrazil topakepart. TheCarnival period starts on the Thursday before Lent and goes right throughuntil Shrove Tuesday and every year IPAColognebranchhostmembers fromall over theworld. IPAmember DaveStamp, andhiswifeCaryl, haveattendedanumber of carnivals over the last thirty years stayingwith their friends Helmut andAnnelieseBurgmannwho live in Hurth - just southwest of the city. During themainparade IPAKolnbranch distributehot fruit punch, beer, soup, sausages, etc tomembers froma tent which is erected close to theparade’s route. It is

Battle in Sussex!

Sussexmember DonnaPowell hasbeen in contactwithBudLathrop, theUSAssociate Secretary toSectionUK, since2010. InNovember 2012 she finally got tomeet BudandhiswifeKathy at SectionUSA's50th anniversary friendshipweek.Whilst talking, Bud mentioned toher that hewas planning to visit theUKand itshistorical sites in2013, withhis family. Donna said, “I live ina town calledHastings, in East Sussex, andwork inBattle. Battle is famous for itsBattleAbbey and the siteof theBattle of Hastings in1066. I toldBud that no visit to theUKwouldbe completewithout a trip toEast Sussex.” Sheassistedwithbookingahotel in thearea and thenmet upwithBudandhis family to advise themof places to visit. Donnaadded, "It was lovely sharingmy part of theworldwithBudandhis family - I would welcomeany IPA friendswhowant to comeand visitmy beautiful home."

ManfredRiediger, Past Chair of IPACologne, andHemut Burgmannwith the lantern

staffedby IPAmemberswhowork very hard indifficult conditionswhichbecomeworseas darknessdescends. At theendof theparade thewhole city is cleanedand returned tonormal in the space of a fewhours. Dave said, “Caryl and I attended this year's carnival andnoticed that thedarkness inside the food tent hampered the clearing upoperation sowebought thema lantern, suitably engraved, to lighten their darkness.”

Meet and Greet was Real Treat! Joe Johnston, IPAPresident for

WisconsonUSA,madeanapproach to LothianandBordersbranch via facebook onbehalf ofmember KeytelynneRadde. Keytelynnewished tomeetmembers duringa visit toEdinburgh. I responded toKetelynne, andarranged to meet her, andher friendSabineNeumayer, withmembers of the LothianandBorders Meet andGreet Group (LBMG). LBMGGroupmembers, JohnO'Loneand HildePaxton, took the guests ona tour of old Edinburgh concludingwithaneveningmeal. Thenext day anothermeal was arranged at theMercat Bar, Edinburgh, withmore members of the LBMGGroup: includingStuart Blaikie, JohnO'Lone, BobBell andhiswife. Ketelynne said, “Rodwhiskedus off to see the sunriseover theForthBridges andArthur’s Seat.Wewereable to see stunning views of the city.Wewerealso treated toa tour of many of Edinburgh’shistorical sites.Without

RodMcNeil, KeytelynneRadde andSabineNeumayer

IPAHaus - Sleeps8

the IPA, wenever wouldhavebeenable to seeor evenbeawareof half of the things that wedid. Joining the IPAhasbeenan incredibly rewardingexperience. Through the IPA, I have foundaccommodationandassistance, and have seenanother country inaway I never wouldhavedoneonmy own. These tripswill not be the last Imake, and it is comforting to know therearepeoplearound theworldwho are therewithadviceor guidance. Obviously, it’s a two-way street, and I look forward to the day that I can return thekindness that has been shown tomeby the IPA.” Ketelynnehas already bookeda return trip! RodMcNeil , LothianandBordersbranch

SectionGermany havean IPAHouse in the ThüringenForest, close toWartburg-Castle and the townsof Erfurt, GothaandWeimar. Thehousehas3bedrooms - accommodating8 peoplewith standard facilities. Tarrif: є16per personper night. Places of interest comprisea saltmine in Merkers - pre-bookingof a3hour tour with the housemanager is available. TheRennsteig- Way in Thüringen-Forest alsooffers good walkingand cyclingopportunites. For bookingor formoredetails contact ReinhardReum, thehousemanager at: reinhard52@online.de


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014

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