Police World Edition 2 2014
? Crossword & Sudoku In this editionweare giving you the chance towin inour crossword competitiona signed copy of SherlockHolmes and theMystery of Einstein’sDaughter by TimSymonds. Enter the sudoku competitionandwina copy of Police, Lies andAlibisby JohnDonoghue. Solve thepuzzles and then send them in. The luckywinnerswill bedrawnout of thehat. Books supplied byMXPublishingand Troubador Publishing Ltd. Send the completed crossword to: LeeHemmings, Editor, International PoliceAssociation, Arthur TroopHouse, 1FoxRoad,West Bridgford. Nottingham, NG26AJ. Please include your name, address andmembershipnumber. Thedeadline for entries is19May, 2014.
? Solution Puzzled Across 1 - General propositions (8) 6 - ___Grant: Englishactor (4) 8 - Entertains (6) 9 - Poor densely populated city district (6) 10 - ___ Thurman: actress (3) 11 - Plant containers (4) 12 - Decline todo; rubbish (6) 13 - Distorted (6) 15 - Hesitate; stumble (6) 17 - Higher in rank (6) 20 - Church service (4) 21 - Typeof vase (3) 22 - Fruits of the vine (6) Down 2 - Small natural hill (7) 3 - Fertilearea ina desert (5) 4 - Made certainof (7) 5 - Sweet substance (5) 6 - Attentive (7) 7 - Entrancebarriers (5) 14 - Slender breedof racing dog (7) 15 - Frenzied (7) 16 - FifthGreek letter (7) 18 - Our planet (5) 19 - Stiff withage (5) 20 - Strength (5)
23 - Fastener (6) 24 - Converse (4) 25 - Boating (8)
Edition1Winners: Congratulations toPaul Cripps from7Region, who sent in the winning solution to the crossword puzzle. Paul wins a copy of The Auxiesby ErnestmcCall. RussMogridgealso from7Region, wins a copy of Fatal Forgery by SusanGrossey for successfully completing the sudokupuzzle.
About thebooks SherlockHolmesand theMystery of Einstein’sDaughter: In TimSymonds’ previousdetective novels, SherlockHolmes and the DeadBoer at Scotney Castleand SherlockHolmes and theCaseof theBulgarianCodex theauthor basedpivotal facts andaprincipal
character on real life. So too in thisnewmystery asHolmes is asked to investigate thebackgroundof a young graduate - Albert Einstein. The career of amanwhowent on tobecome the greatest physicist of the20thCentury hangs in thebalance. Police, Lies&Alibis: Thisbook is an insight in towhat really goes on in thepolice. Come onpatrol withPCDonoghueand get theanswer toquestions such as: is thediscovery of aheadless corpse theworkof a serial killer? WhokilledYoda?Why do criminals think they areworth it? Thisbook is a fascinatingandoftenhilarious account of a year in the lifeof a front line responseofficer.
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014
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