Police World Edition 2 2014

International News

IPARussiaSmolensk CreateMiracles On theeveof 2014, theSmolenskbranchof SectionRussiadecided to organiseaparty for disadvantagedchildren. Speakingafter theevent, NataliaSkomoroshenko fromSmolensk branch, said, “Wewent toa childrens’ centrenot far fromSmolensk, with representatives of theSmolensk regional policedepartment and its cultural center, to try and fulfill someof the children’s dreams.We felt like children ourselves aswedancedandplayedwith “Father Frost” andhis daughter. It was a joy to see thehappy faces of the childrenholding their new toys and sweets.Miracles are soeasy to create, don’t youagree?”

Details of all international events canbe foundon-line: www.en.ipa-iac. org/online-diary/en_diary-events.htm BULGARIA SectionBulgaria20thAnniversaryCelebrations 4 June. For details visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/Event-Catalog/Friendship-Weeks FRANCE SectionFrance - 19th International Challengeof PoliceShooting - 12−14 June. Registration fee is38euros for individual entry and76 euros for pairs.Weapons canbe rented. For details visit: www.cfpmstp. fr /www.cretesmarignane.com GERMANY SectionGermanyCoburg IPABranch40thAnniversary 29May−1 June. For details visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/Event-Catalog/ Friendship-Weeks SectionGermany - Selm-BorkBranchFriendshipWeek 4−13 July. Visit: www.ipa-bork.de SectionGermany FriendshipWeek - Potsdam toMunich7−13 September. For programmedetails visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/ Event-Catalog/Friendship-Weeks GREECE SectionGreece - 1st InternationalWomenPoliceOfficersMeeting to takeplace1−5October inHeraklion, Crete. For programmedetails and booking visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog ITALY Section Italy–Region22 - 4th IPAMotorcycleRally “Sightseeing in theheart of theDolomites” (UNESCOHeritage site) - 5−8 June. Cost: 3Nights: 245europp, 2Nights: 200europp. Deposit of 100euroby 30April - balanceby31May. Formore informationandprogramme contact: info@albergopanorama.it /www.albergopanorama.it Section ItalyMotoradunoNational Police - IPANational Rally will takeplace12−15 June. For programmedetails visit: www.ipaaq.comor e-mail: ipalaquilacentro@yahoo.it MALTA SectionMalta - 50thAnniversaryDynamic Tri-GunCompetition 16 October. Visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/Sport POLAND The III International Football Championshipswill takeplace in Gdynia , 26−29 June. Visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/Sport SPAIN SectionSpain - 12th International Soccer Championship . Tarragona branchare tohold the20thAnniversary and the12th International Soccer Championship for police - from12−15 June, in Tarragona city. Places are limited to32 teams. Formore informationonbooking contact: ipatarragona@gmail.com SWEDEN 1st IPASweden International Cycle Tour will takeplace in the southof Swedenon23August. Visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/Sport USA The2014USNational DelegateConferenceandFriendshipWeek will takeplaceonboard theNorwegianGem cruise line4−11October. Formore information go to: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/Friendship- Weeks or contact: Steve@ipa-usa.org OTHEREVENTS The International PoliceExecutiveSymposium (IPES) Conference will behostedby theBulgarianPolice27 - 31 July at a resort inSofia. Therewill bemany informativepresentations, includingone session that will highlight thebenefits and successes of the International Police Association.More information is availableat: http://ipes.info/ XXI IPAWorldCongress2015 - It hasbeenannounced that theCyprus Sectionwill host theXXI IPAWorldCongress in Limassol Cyprus from12 −18October, 2015and it will be followedby aFriendshipWeek from18 to25October, 2015. Formore information visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event- Catalog/Event-Catalog/IPA-Conferences

MauritiusMake Time OutamKumar Guness, President of SectionMauritius, and theMauritius National ExecutiveCommittee (NEC) rana family day inDecember 2013 at thebeach resort of LeChaland. Activities comprisedbeach games, a swimming competition for kids, games at Kids corner, a footballmini- tournament for all anda visit to themarinepark.

This event was allmade possiblewith theblessing of thePoliceCommissioner and theCommandant of the National Coast Guardaswell as thededication, effort and commitment by all involved in theSection.

Swaziland StephenCrockard, Assistant International SecretaryGeneral reports that SectionSwaziland, whichhas a fine recordof assisting thepoor in society and thoseafflictedwithAIDS/HIV, have recently built ahouse for elderly citizens. TheAfricanSections’ Cultural Diversity

Festival isnow confirmed for the29May to 1 June, 2014 inSwaziland. Apresentation by theStreet ChildrenConsortiumandwork sessionwill be includedon theagenda.


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014

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