Police World Edition 3 2014


The Danish Experience InApril,members fromSectionDenmark tookpart ina four day visit toLiverpool. FrankHurst, Chair of Cheshirebranch, reportsonwhat tookplace. I arranged for our four Danish guests, Thomas Trudslev, AndersSoltoft, LarsBrondberg, andStefanKaptain, andwere shown thepitchand facilities inside the stadium Nowbeing the fair andevenhanded

TheDanishofficersmeet Assistant Chief ConstableAndyWard

CarolineColes explains fingerprint scanningprocedure

to visitMerseysidePoliceHeadquarters - where theywerewelcomedby Assistant Chief Constable,Mr AndyWard, QPM. Themainpurposeof the visit was todiscover anddiscuss the relative differencesbetweenBritishandDanish evidence gathering techniques. The tour beganat theFingerprint andForensic ServicesDepartment, where the functions andprocedures of thedepartment were explainedby SupervisorMarkWilson. Theofficers also sawademonstration of fingerprint scanningand recordingby CarolineColes, anda tour of theForce LaboratorywithChrisRoberts. The visitorswhere then introduced to AndyReidandRichieBeesley, the crew of oneof theMerseysidePoliceArmed ResponseUnits. Theyweremore than happy to give theDanishOfficers a short talkon the vehicleand theequipment usedduring their duties. The group exchanged informationonpolicing methods - discussingboth the similarities anddifferencesbetween the two countries policing styles. After lunchweheadedoff to Liverpool football club, at Anfield, where theDanish officers visited theHillsboroughMemorial topay their respects. Theywere thenallowed into the ground

chap that I am I thought it only fitting that this visit toAnfieldbe followedby a visit toEverton’sGoodisonPark.Wewere greetedby the staff at Goodisonandwere again givena full tour - whichweenjoyed immensely. (I will not saywhich ground theDanes liked thebest - that will have to remaina secret.) The visit toGoodison concluded the tours and I dropped Thomas andAnders off at the city centre, for some rest and relaxtion - where they expressed their thanks for a very enjoyable visit. I would like to thankMerseysidePolice for all their efforts toaccommodateour Danishmembers. I wouldalso like to thankboth Liverpool andEverton for allowingus to visit at short notice. FrankHurst , Chair Cheshirebranch

Thegroup learnmoreabout theForensicServices inMerseyside

At thememorial in Liverpool

Withoneof theMerseysidePoliceArmedResponseUnits


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014

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