Police World Edition 3 2014


OneYearOn One year after SectionUKopenedup itsmembership toPolice Staff, PoliceWorld speaks toZoeHoward, fromHertfordshire branch, whoenrolledwithinminutesof the rulechange.

Howeasy have you found it toget involved in IPAactivities? “Very easy. In January this year,members from theNational ExecutiveCommittee visitedHertfordshire to visit potential venues for the2015NCM whichRegion9will be

SoZoe, sincebecoming thefirst police staff person tobeenrolled into IPASectionUK, what have youbeenup to in your first year of membership? “I was attested into theHertfordshireSpecial Constabulary inAugust. On starting the training course, I foundmyself ina room full of complete strangers, themajority of whomwere vastly younger –and indeed taller - thanmyself. I broke the iceduringa refreshment breakby talking about the IPAwitha view to signingasmany of themupas possible! Despitehavingonly eight monthsundermy belt, I’ve completedmy Police ActionChecklist (PACS) andam looking forward tonewpolicing challenges. Beingable to joinmy regular colleagues,many of whomarealready IPAmembers, andgoout ondutywith themhas added tomy knowledgeof thepolicingworldand hashelpedmeunderstandwhat challenges they faceonadaily basis.” Webelieve your renditionof ‘I shot theSheriff’ shot the topof thecharts– tell usmore. “Ha, ha– very funny. InSeptember, I hadagreat timehelping toorganise the visit toUKRegion9 by the twoUSAofficers, JohnFlannery and Tom Sanchez. Ahighlight formewas theMcMullen’s Brewery tripwhereRegion9members and John Flannery spent agood fewhours in theHertford BrewhousewithFergusMcMullen (Production& SalesDirector). After the fantastic tour, Fergus presented JohnFlannerywithabeer pump clip withMcMullen’s IPA logoon it as amementoof the visit andweall receiveda caseof premium bottledales toenjoy at our leisure. Finally, Fergus treatedus toa fabulous lunch inoneof McMullen’sHertfordpubs, Baroosh. The leaving party, whichweheldon Johnand Tom’s last night, was attendedbymanyRegion9members, local Hertford TownCouncillors and long-service IPAmembers. It was agreat success and my karaokeperformanceof ‘I shot theSheriff’ with Johnand Tomhas been thebutt of jokes since.”

Outside theMcMullen’s visitors centre

hostingand I was involved in thatmeeting, followed by aBurnsNight themed supper. I’ll beattending this year’sNCMat FiveLakes inChelmsford, which I am verymuch looking forward to, as it will giveme further insight intopreparations for when it’smyRegion’s turn

next year. I alsoattended my first Region9AGMat BedfordshirePoliceHQ, whichwas agoodopportunity tomeet other RegionandBranchmembers.” Finally, what are you looking forward to in the next 12months? I’ve very recentlymovedon fromHertfordshire Constabulary andamnowworking for aprivate hospital inHertfordshire, but I’ll continuewithmy Special Constabulary role. I feel very fortunate tohavemade some great friendships through

Lunchat Baroosh inHertford

encouragingothermembers of police staff to join - alongwith theaddedbonus of freemembership during this special year. Oneof themany good ideas that came from the 9RegionAGMwas for eachBranchof Region 9 tohost anactivity of their choice to raise funds towards theNCM in2015. So, what with thoseevents and theArthur TroopCentenary celebrations inDecember this year, let’s get the parties started!

the IPAand, although I amno longer police staff, those friendshipswill continue through theSpecial Constabulary. So it just goes to show that whether you’re police staff, a regular officer or aSpecial Constable, there’sno differentiationbetween the IPA membershipof staff versus

officers, everyone is part of thebig IPA family and team. I hopemy article may go somewhere to

ZoeHowardwithHertford Town CouncilMayor - PatriciaMoore - after the remembranceparade.

9Regionparty time

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014


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