Police World Edition 3 2014



forceand regionas the knowledgegainedwill be of practical use inmy daily policing.” Kevinwill beaccompaniedat theevent by LoreenGlenn. Inher application toattend, Loreennoted the expansionof theEUhas resulted inawave ofmigrationof foreignnationals toNorthern Ireland. She stated themost recent census shows therearealmost 30,000Polishnationals residing inNorthern Ireland– four of whomare servingpoliceofficers. The influx has changed thedemographic and challenged thePSNI to meet theneeds of newemerging communities whichhaveadded richness and strength to society. Speakingabout her selection Loreen says, “I joined the IPAas I was interested inengaging with colleagueswithin thepolice community onan international level.When I saw that the PolishFoundationwere invitingapplications fromSectionUK toattend the Jubilee Commemoration, I thought that thiswouldbean excellent opportunity forme toexplore thePolish culture, broadenmy perspectives andenhance my professionalism. I amdelighted tohavebeen chosen toattend this event and represent not only SectionUKof the IPAbut also thePolice Serviceof Northern Irelandand the Terrorism InvestigationUnit. I look forward to sharingmy experienceswithmy colleagues onmy return.”

of Polish speakers in theUKandas suchPolish isnowofficially recognised as the secondmost spoken language in theUK today. Also, each year between2500and 3000migrants of variousnationalities are in the county of Cornwall topick daffodilsuntil Easter andas the year progresses the typeof produce that is picked changesbutmigrant workers remaina constant. On thebasis of this, in June 2013, Kevin madea successful application to theSponsored LearningPanel (SLP) of theDevon andCornwall Police for funding inorder to study thePolish language. SpeakingPolishat abasic level has already provenadvantageous in gaininga level of trust and respect amongst thePolishpeople inhisPolicingarea. In response tohis selection, Kevin said, “Initially I joined the IPAwith thehopeof locatingmemberswho couldoffermeadviceon progressingwithmy Polish language skills. Sowhilst looking for Polish speakers via the IPA membershippages, I saw thePolishFoundation were invitingapplicants from theUK IPA to attend theevent. It seemed tomeagreat opportunity, so I applied straight away andam absolutely delighted tohavebeen selected to attend. I believemy attendancewill benefitmy

Two IPAmembershavebeen selected to represent SectionUKat anevent inPoland. KevinSilver, fromDevonpolice, and Loreen Glenn, from the Terrorism InvestigationUnit in Northern Ireland, will attend thePolishPolice Foundation95th JubileeCommemoration, which takes placeat theendof July2014. Inhis application toattend, Kevindescribed howhis interest in themigrant community of Cornwall has grown sinceaholiday inFebruary 2013, wherehebecame fascinatedby the language, cultureandhistory of Poland. After hisholiday, heundertook some research and found that sincePoland joined theEU in 2004 therehasbeena real surge in thenumber GermanOfficer to Experience NottsPolicing

Another Link in the IPA Chain SectionUK, is considering the

Nottinghamshire Police, for example thedogunit, underwater unit andHelicopter

Members from the IPAand staff fromNottinghamshire Policeare looking forward toa visit by aGermanpoliceofficer later this year. VeraVolmery, whohas served in theGermanpolice for 14 years, will be spending July inNottinghamshireon the IPA’s International Learning andDevelopment Exchange Programme (ILDEP). Accommodatingher wish to improveher knowledge of operational searching methods, Nottinghamshire IPA havearrangedaprogramme which includes a tour of duty withdifferent unitswithin

ideaof producingan IPAcycling jersey. RonnieDukes, SectionUKVicePresident, has asked ifmembers could indicate their level of interest in this ideaby emailinghim. IPAmember JohnHutchinsonhasdrafted thisdesign (above) of the jersey.Why not put your design skills in toactionand come upwith your own. Submit your design to the email addressbelow. Deadline31 July. If youarea cyclist andwouldbe interested inpurchasingan IPA jersey, onceproduced, please contact Ronnieat: vpdukes@ipa-uk.org Please specifywhether youprefer a longor a short sleeve jersey.

improvingmy English. Having abetter grasp of Englishwill enableme to register on study programmes inGermanywhich are conducted inEnglish.” A full report of Vera’s visit will bepublishedat a later date. Anybody interested in learning moreabout ILDEP–which is alsoopen toUKofficerswanting to study abroad– should visit: www.ipa-uk.org/ILDEP

squad. Shewill also spend timeat Nottinghamshire PoliceHQ, thePrisonService, andNottinghamFireand RescueServiceaswell as with individuals in the fieldof searching techniques. Speakingabout her forthcoming visit, Vera said, “ I am looking forward toworkingalongside emergency service staff in theUK. It will furthermy professional understandingand has theaddedadvantageof

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014


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