Police World Edition 3 2014
NewMembers DarrenEdwardsandBill Lloyd, from3Region, gaveapresentation to41Lancashirepolice recruitswhich resulted in7 signingupasnew IPAmembers. Due to this successDarrenplans to present topolice forces further afield within3Region, NorthernEngland, in the future. As part of their presentation thepair used the IPAPowerpoint presentationwhich was createdby theCommunications Team at the IPASectionUKAdministration Centre (BSAC) Nottingham.
Darren recommends itsuse toother Regions and said, "It workedwell, it's agreat tool!"
AlanEverall andRoger Dix
At theStaffordshirebranchAGMheld in February, AlanEverall whohadbeenChair of thebranch for 25 years, stooddown from the post. Roger Dixwas electedas thenewChair. Alanwas presentedwitha gift from the branch for all hisworkduring the years.
450YearsofMembership At theSussexbranchAGM, inFebruary, 50 year certificateswerepresentedbyDavid
Stamp, theSussexChair, to threemembers. The three recipientswereDavidForder, Keith Lawsonand JohnPaice.
Six othermemberswhowere eligible: EdwardGibson, Eirwyn Harries, BrendaSterry, Robert Holdeman, Peter Leekeand Violet Potter, wereunable to attend. Threemembershad their certificates presented to themat their homesby11RegionVice Chair andRegional PublicityOfficer DonnaPowell. The remaining certificateswere sent by post.
Route50 Route Published
DavidForder, Keith Lawson, JohnPaice, AdrianBoniface, DonnaPowell andDavidStamp
Organisersof the IPARoute50Challenge havepublished theplanned route for their fund raising tripalongUSRoute50 in ‘Stan thePanda'. Formore informationof this fund raising event, for theNational PoliceMemorial Day (NPMD) –SectionUKCharity, visit: www. iparoute50.org The sitehas sections on thebackgroundof theevent and its aims; the itinerary, those involved,merchandise, ablog, sponsors, and socialmediadetails. To viewdetails of the route visit: www. ipa-uk.org/News/ipa-route-50-challenge- publishes-route In Memory EricStanley , amember fromSurrey branch for 53 years, passedawaywhilst onholiday in Vietnam - hewill be sadlymissed. Notifiedby his wifeShielaStanley
Navigating the Manchester ShipCanal InMarch, 49members fromRochdaleand District branch, and friends, enjoyed acruisedeparting fromCastlefield, Manchester on thehistoric250 year old Bridgewater Canal. The groupnavigated Pomona lock, givingaccess to the famousManchester ShipCanal and the River Irwell as far asNewBailey Street, Spinningfields and thePeople’sMuseum.
Onceon theManchester ShipCanal, the cruiseheaded toSalfordQuays. The groupenjoyed views of thewatersidedevelopments includingMediaCityUK, The Lowry,Manchester United football stadiumand The ImperialWarMuseumNorth - before returninghome threehours later. Neil Baldwin, Rochdalebranch Treasurer, summedup theexperience in saying, “Theweatherwas good, the companywas better and the foodwas excellent.”
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
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