Police World Edition 3 2014
A Trip
I completeda travel form requestinghelp andassistanceduringaplanned trip to Perth, Australia. I was soon given thenameof VicSmith, the IPA contact inPerth. Vic volunteered tomeet mywifeand I at theairport and takeus toour hotel in the city centre. From themoment wemet we got onwell, relaying toeachother someof our experiences inour policeworkandpersonal life. Vic then saidhehad set aside the following twodays to showus around the city and surroundingarea. So, nextmorningat theagreed timeVicwas at our hotel. He thenproceeded to takeus on awalking tour - heknew the city like theback of hishandashehadbeena resident and workedall his police career inPerth. After a light lunchhe thendroveus round thewider city area inhis own car. The tour includeda visit to thebeautiful botanical gardenswhichalso giveawonderful view over thewhole city and theRiver Swan. Heof coursehad to takeus to theWACA, thePerth cricket ground, whereEnglandhad lost the Ashes onlyweeks previously. The followingday Vic tookus toanoldpenal prisonbuilt by convicts about 160 years ago, andwhichonly ceasedbeingaworkingprison some20 years ago.Wealsohad time to visit theWesternAustraliaPoliceAcademy. Beforewepartedhe gaveus some valuable informationonwhere to goandwhatmight be of interest duringour remaining time.
7Regionmember Bill Bertram spotted thisCookevillepolicepatrol car / taxi in Tennessee. It was part of adrinkdriving campaign - witha choice, if youdrink, of a $10 taxi or riska$1500+ ridehomewith the police if youdrive. Bill said, “I think youget themessage.” Bill andhiswifewerehostedbyNickCominos a retireddeputy fromOrangeCounty Sheriffs Dept inOrlandowhoalsohosted retired officer CharlesRahn. Bill explained that he andNickmet throught the IPAabout 15 y ears ago. The threeof them canbe seenbelowat the GrandOleOpry - thehomeof countrymusic inNashville Tennessee. Left to right: Nick Cominos, Bill BertramandCharlesRahn.
We left Perthafter only6days, it was a short stay, butmywife Jackieand I had seen somuchof the city and surrounding area, that we felt wehadbeen there longer andknew the city quitewell. Without Vic’s profoundknowledgeand assistanceour visit toPerthwouldhave been somuch less interestingandwe couldnever have seenor found somany of thebeautiful places andbuildings on our own. We caught upwithVic oncemorebefore we flewhome - just tohaveabeer anda chat, and to thankhimoncemore for his wonderful hospitality. Thank you to the IPAandespecially toVic formakingour holiday ‘DownUnder’ so memorable. RichardAmess , Kent branch
First for IPA LondonSouthBranch SectionUKmembers visited the
Can’t Beat a bit of Bully
TheFreemasonshavebeen in this areaof London since1775. Thepresent Hall is the thirdbuilding to standon the site. Built between1927-1932 as amemorial to theFreemasonswhodied in theFirstWorldWar, it is regardedbymany as oneof the finest Art Decobuildings inEngland. Thebuildingalsoaccommodates a library and museum - which is open to thepublic.
FreemasonsHall inLondon, inMarch. This was thefirst event organisedby thenewly renamedLondonSouthbranch (previously theLondonSouthWest branch). The groupof seventeen visited theGrade II listedHall which is theheadquarters of the UnitedGrand Lodgeof Englandand theprincipal meetingplace forMasonic Lodges in London.
InMarchanumber ofmembers from Nottinghamshirebranch, and friends, met at TheGleaners Inn inCalverton, Nottinghamshire for a fewgamesof darts anda lot of laughs! Jenny Alexander, Nottinghamshirebranch Secretary said, “It turns out that wehave some very gooddarts players amongus!”
Peter Kipps, Chair of LondonSouth branch, whoorganised the trip said, “This is oneofmy favouriteLondon buildings and I would recommend it as amust see for those in central Londonwithanhour to spare. Entry is freeof chargeand they providea guided tourwhich includes the very elaborateGrand Temple.”
LondonSouthbranchmembers outside theHall
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
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