Police World Edition 3 2014
PhotographyCompetition PrizeWinners
Humberside Celebrate 51Years TheHull andEastRidingbranchwas formed on21February, 1963, and later became the
Humbersidebranch. InFebruary, 2014, the branch celebrated its51st Anniversary Celebrationat theDogandDuckpublic
The resultsof the2013 UKNational Competitionand the
RonnieDukes - First Place inPoliceCategory Section. SecondPlace inOpenCategory. Prize: Certificateand£25gift voucher. TomMcInally - SecondPlace inPoliceCategory. ThirdPlace inOpenCategory. Prize: Certificate. KevinHolmes - ThirdPlace inPoliceCategory. Prize: Certificate. All entries to the International Photography Competitionwill be forwarded to the International Body for judgingby them. To viewall winningentries visit: www.ipa-uk.org/News/ipa-photography- competition-results
2014 International Competitionwere announcedbyVicePresidentRonnie Dukesat theNational CouncilMeeting. The2013UKNational Competition theme was ‘OnDuty’. TraceyBrewsterwasannounced as thewinner. Shewona£150gift voucher and certificate. (Therewerenounder 16winners). Entrants to the2014 International PhotographyCompetitionalso receivedprizes fromSectionUKas follows: AndyWalker - OverallWinner; Photo Journalism Award; First Place inOpenSection. Prize: Certificateand£50and£25gift vouchers.
house inWalkington. Paul Horsley, branch Secretary, said, “We
located the four remaining foundermembers of the branchand sent them
invitations tobeguests of thebranch. Terry Watson (top right) andGordonMitchell (above) attended. Gordonwas kindenough to cut our birthday cakeand therewas apresentation by our current Chair, GerryCarville (top left), of framed certificates to commemorate the occasion.”
What a Find!
HatsOff - toCumbria, Merseyside andNorth Yorkshire
IPAmember, JohnElliot, andhis wife fromNovaScotia, spent 3weeksat the IPAHouseStAndrews in
September 2013. During their stay the couplemademore than oneuniquediscovery. Not only
did they discover, as they describe, ‘awonderful house located inabeautiful rural setting’, but Johnmadean important historical find. John spent a fewdayswith theScottishMetal Detecting Society and founda13thCenturyMedieval silver crucifixwhich isnowbeingevaluated by theScottishNationalMuseum. The couplehadanarticle, praising theSectionUK IPAHouseSt Andrews, published in SectionCanada’smagazine. Johnwrote, “Theaccommodation isexcellent. Noonewill bedisappointed if they chose to stay there.We liked it somuchwehave it booked for another 3weeks in September 2015.” To read the full article visit: www.ipa-uk.org/News/what-a-find Thehouse is situated in theKingdomof Fife, amidopen countryside, in theheart of the EastNeuk. It benefits frombeingonly2miles from the coastal townof Anstruther and hasawardwinningbeacheswithina10miledrive. It isalsoamere7miles from the world famousSt Andrews golf course. Theareaalsoboastsancient harbours, cathedral ruins, castles, historical buildingsand the IsleofMay renowned for its wildlife. Formore information contact thehousemanager, PaulineCrozier, at: pauline_crozier@hotmail.com
CumbriaConstabulary,MerseysidePolice, North YorkshirePolice, LancashireandSouthYorkshire Policewere thefirst of theUKPoliceForces to respond positively andgenerously toanappeal by theUSRoute 50CharityDrive2015committee. Responding toa letter asking for donations of two CustodianHelmets, the5 forceshadeachdonated twohelmets at the timeof going toprint. Thehelmetswill beauctioned in theUSAduringa charity drivealongRoute50. Allmonies raisedwill go towards theNational PoliceMemorial Day. To findoutmoreabout the charity driveandhow you can support the fund raising, visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Section-UK-Charity
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
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