Police World Edition 3 2014
Crossword & Sudoku
In this editionweare giving you the chance towin inour crossword competitiona copy of TheDrumbeater by CliveAllan. Enter the sudoku competitionandwina copy of AFuture for Policing inEnglandWalesby TimothyBrain. Solve thepuzzles and then send them in. The luckywinnerswill bedrawnout of thehat. Books supplied by Troubador Publishing LtdandOxfordUniversity Press. Send the completed crossword to: LeeHemmings, Editor, International PoliceAssociation, Arthur TroopHouse, 1FoxRoad,West Bridgford. Nottingham, NG26AJ. Please include your name, address andmembershipnumber. Thedeadline for entries is18August, 2014.
? Solution Puzzled Across 1 - Quote (4) 3 - Importance; stress (8) 9 - ___oil: thismoistens a cricket bat (7) 10 - Foot-operated lever (5) 11 - Scienceof space travel (12) 13 - Security (6) 15 - Closer (6) 17 - Amusing (12) 20 -Move forward suddenly (5) 21 - Typeof pheasant (7) Down 1 - Cave in (8) 2 - Dogma (5) 4 - Extremely reckless person (6) 5 - Conjectural (12) 6 -Motorcycleattachment (7) 7 - Disposedof formoney (4) 8 - Disregarding the rules (5,3,4) 12 - Squirmed (8) 14 - Providemoney for (7) 16 - Areaof flat unforested grassland (6) 18 - Images of deities (5) 19 - Emit light (4) 22 - Encircles (8) 23 - Not new (4)
About thebooks TheDrumbeater - whenhuman remains are foundonabeach near the remoteScottish villageof Glenbaig, theevidencepoints to murder anda crimedatingback to WorldWar Two. The taskof solving themurder falls toNeil Strachan, a career cop, fast tracked intoa new role inNorthernScotland’s Major EnquiryUnit.Withmore
Edition2Winners: Congratulations toMr Douglas Jacks from5Region, who sent in thewinning solution to the crosswordpuzzle. Hewins a copy of SherlockHolmes and the Mystery of Einstein’sDaughter by TimSymonds. MrsMargaret Cunningham from 5Region, wins a copy of Police, Lies andAlibisby JohnDonoghue for successfully completing the sudokupuzzle.
questions thananswers, andunder mountingpressure fromhis cynical boss, Neil embarks ona race against time todiscover the truth. A truth that will utimately reveal a secret that couldhave changed the courseof history. AFuture for Policing inEnglandWales - thisbookexamines theCoalitionGovernment’smajor police reformprogramme, including theWinsor Report, the2010ComprehensiveSpending Reviewand thePoliceReformandSocial Responsibility Act, and analyseswhat these changesmean for the futureof policing in EnglandandWales. Theauthor, TimothyBrain, scrutinizes the impact of contemporary events including recent economic issues andaddresses theapparent returnof the social tensionswhich characterized the1970s and1980s.
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
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