Police World Edition 3 2014


PoliceWorld Themagazineof the International Police Association, SectionUK

Vol 59No.32014 Features 4-8 WorkingonYour Behalf

Editor LeeHemmings

e-mail: lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org Deadline for article submission for Edition4, 2014 is 18August, 2014 . DispatchedSeptember, 2014. Advertising MicheleRai tel: (+44) 01159813638 e-mail:michele.rai@ipa-uk.org General enquiries IPA, BSAC, Arthur TroopHouse, 1FoxRoad, West Bridgford, Nottingham. NG26AJ tel: (+44) 01159813638 e-mail:mail@ipa-uk.org

News from theNational CouncilMeeting includingphoto gallery

9 Arthur TroopCentenary CelebrationWeekend

Details of theplanned celebrations to takeplace inNottinghamand Lincoln


10 ILDEPProvesBeneficial toGermanOfficers

An insight into the ILDEP journey of threeofficers fromGermany.

11 TheStanleyHanna TournamentResults

YvonneMcgregor bringsnews of this year’s competition that tookplace inPerthshire.

12 TheDanishExperience

Aguide to Regionnumbers 1 - Scotland 2 - Northern Ireland 3 - NorthernEngland 4 -Wales 5 -Midlands 6 - Central London 7 - SouthWest England 8 - East Anglia 9 - NorthWest London, Beds&Herts 10 - NorthEast London&Essex 11 - South London&SouthEast England Toapply either visit www.ipa-uk.orgor request an application form from the general enquiries team *terms and conditions apply. Printedby BishopsPrinters,WaltonRoad, Portsmouth, HampshirePO61TR Membership InSectionUK, themembership comprises servingand retiredPoliceOfficers, Special Constables andmembers of PoliceStaff employedby aChief Constableor other appropriately designatedChief Officer of the PoliceService. TheSectionhas auniquemixtureof police personnel whoare still serving, retired, or in some instances, whohave voluntarily resigned from thepolice service. For details of who can joinSectionUK, go towww.ipa-uk.org/Join-Us Joining the IPA is FREE*andannual renewal is£28. Visit thewebsite to learnabout our promotional offers.

Members fromSectionDenmark took part ina four day visit to Liverpool. FrankHurst reports.


13 OneYear On

ZoeHoward speaks of her experience duringher first year ofmembership 14 Sightseeingon theWest Coast DeirdreMahonymakes themost of IPA’s networkof Houses andexplores the wonders of Ireland. 15 WeareWhangawhere?

GrahamFultonandDougieWright take part inaMotorcycle tour of NewZealand.


16–17 PolicingUSAStyle

Sevenofficers from9Regionwent stateside toexperienceall things American. GaryWarren, tells the story.

InternationalPoliceAssociation SectionUK

News 18–26 National News

20Lottery Launch The latest news on SectionUK’snew lottery andhow toapply

A roundupof thenews fromSectionUK

28 International News

EntryForm OverLeaf

International diary dates andmore

Regulars 27 Competitions

PoliceWorld is amembers’ publication. Every effort ismade toensureaccuracy. Furthermore, the views expressed inarticles are thoseof theauthors anddonot necessarily reflect thepositionof the Communications Team. If youhaveany Comments,

please contact theEditor: lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org

WIN copies of books publishedby Troubador Publishing Ltd andOxfordUniversity Press

Howdo you rate thiseditionof Police World? What would you improve? What didweget right? What would youhavedonedifferently? Send your review to: lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org


Adverts, special offers andnotices

31 Diary dates

BranchandRegional events anddates

ISSNNo: 0032-261X

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014


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