Police World Edition 3 2014

AnUpdate from theNEC

Workingon your behalf AVibrant IPAwas the themeemerging from this year’s2014 National CouncilMeeting.Withdelegatesdemonstrating their support, in friendship, tochanges to theNational ExecutiveCommittee (NEC), the future is lookingpositive for SectionUK. PoliceWorld invites thoseaffectedby this year’s elections to say a fewwordsbefore theSecretaryGeneral covers thebusiness sideof themeeting.

A – All inclusive V – Visible I – International B – BenefitsRkey R – Retainmembers respectingall views A – Activities N – Networking inFriendship T – Trust andCharity IPA

M ick Luke, formerly VicePresident, was elected unopposed to theofficeof President. It iswith great honour that I write to you for the first time asPresident of SectionUK. I will keep it short in the knowledge that theSecretaryGeneral will cover fully the businessmatters at theNCMand TomCrozier will reflect onhis service to the IPAduringhis timeasPresident.

5 Identify anewKEYbenefit formembers each year. 6 Income generation–maximise theopportunities available. 7 Support our staff at BSAConallmatters todeliver what ourmembers request of them. 8 Internationally, tomaintainour strong links, sharingbest practiceand tobe visible. For thenext three years I look forward toengagingwith asmany of youas I can toensure that wehave AVIBRANT IPA.

My acceptance speech ( www.ipa-uk. org/News/ipa-president-mick-luke- outlines-future-plans ) covers the personal gratitude I have for Tom, our ImmediatePast President, and hiswifePauline for their service to the IPA. They hope to spendmore time travellingand I know youwill joinme in

wishing thembothwell on their travels. Toutilise theHeraclitus principle– “ Theonly thing that is constant is change. Todonothing is todo something too”. Forme, embracing change is right anddifficult to ignore. As anewNECwehave toadapt.WehaveanewVice President inSeanHanniganand I welcomehimon boardandpass onmy congratulations toFredBoyd onhis re-electionas Treasurer. For IainSirrell and Bill Lloyd, who stood for posts, I sincerely hope to see them seekingelection in the futureasbothhave plenty tooffer theAssociation. At theNCM, delegateswereasked to consider thenext steps for our recruitment and retention strategy and this topicwill behighon theNEC’s agendawhenwemeet for our firstmeeting in June, prior to theannual charity ball inYork. AsPresident, our strategymeans tome in simple terms: 1 Abalancedbudget utilising finances for member activity. 2 Mergebrancheswhereneeded inorder to maintain identity andaim tohavea foothold in eachpolicearea. 3 Recruitmoremembers from thewider police family, increasing theoverallmember numbers ensuringwemaximise retention. 4 Increaseevents andestablish iconic eventsunder the social, cultural andprofessional portfolios each year.

FredBoyd, Treasurer, was re-elected for a5th t erm


Theonly thing I wish to say is it’s a great honour andprivilege tohavebeen re-electedasNational Treasurer of SectionUK. Thank you toall delegateswhoonceagainput their confidence inme for another 3 years. My thanks also, and commiserations,

TomCrozier, stooddownasNational President

It iswith genuinelymixedemotions that I address you. Tohavebeen the President of SectionUKwasbotha privilegeandanhonour. As youmay imagine thedecision to stepdown wasnot aneasy one. Firstly I want tooffer warm

go toBill Lloyd. Themanner inwhichhe conductedhimself throughout theweekendwasboth professional and friendly and I wishhim thebest in future campaigns.

congratulations toMick Lukeonhis electionasNational President, andwishhimand theothermembers of the NECevery success in their endeavours. Congratulations also toSeanHanniganand toFredBoyd following their election. I alsowant to recordmy sincere gratitude toall of those that have servedwithmeon theNECover the last six years: Bryn Jones, StephenCrockard, SteveConnor, EdwinSutton,MarkKernohan, RonnieDukes, Dave Taylor, FredBoydandMick Luke.May I also record my gratitude to Lib, Lee,Micheleand Jo, our staff at Nottingham. No-onewill beoffended if Imake special mentionof LizHowgill. It iswith great affection that I remember Lizwho sadly died two years ago. Shehad the sweetest and cheeriest ‘phone voiceever! When reflectingonmy six years on theNEC, first tomind

SeanHannigan, VicePresident, was elected into thepost vacatedbyMick Luke I wasdelighted tobeelectedas your VicePresident. I want to continue helping the IPAdevelopand growby buildingon the great friendships and relationships that havehelpedmeonmy own IPA journey. I knowweareanAssociation

offering aprofessional environment withina friendly setting. I believe in servicewith friendshipand service through friendship.


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014

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