Police World Edition 3 2014


havedescribed that I didnot haveall thenecessary attributes to fulfil thewider roleof President, you can be confident thatMickhas. As youmight expectmy closing comment and greatest thanks are for Pauline for everything that shehasdone to supportme inmy time inoffice. BusinessandPleasure inColchester, Essex, 2014 It ismy pleasure toprovidemembers

that thebenefits of it beinganational appointment were that NEC could, with support of the ‘London’ Regions, establishandoverseeadministrativeprocesses and makebetter useof thedata. A footnote to thisdebate is that the LondonRegionswere not seeking subsidies fromNational funds to support receiving visitors to London.What theywere seeking was very amodest out of pocket expenses for the LRO amounting tonomore than£80 - £100per annum. Questions of financewill however bediscussedonly once theprocesses areestablished to the satisfactionof the LondonRegions andNEC. Variousmembers of theNECand thepast President SteveConnor contributed topresentations anddebates on significant IPAevents or significant issues impacting upon IPA, namely: Highway50 - Charity driveacrossUSA in2015 (www. iparoute50.org) Consortium for Street Children charity supportedby IPA internationally (streetchildren.org) Recruitment andRetentionStrategy, Independent Development and LearningExchangeProgramme, and theWorldPoliceandFireGames at Belfast 2013. The latter was accompaniedby theexcellent video producedbyBrianKennedy from2Region. The video can be viewedonour website: www.ipa-uk.org/Video-Library TheMillenniumShield is awardedby theNEC for outstanding contribution to theSection. It isnot awarded every year, but theoutstandingnominee this year was the IPAWPFGOrganisingCommittee fromRegion2, Northern Ireland. To rapturous applause, CaroleSpence and thoseof her colleagues on theorganising committee present, were invited to the floor toaccept theaward from Tom. Thiswas in turn followedbyKeesSal presentinga certificate to Tomonbehalf the International President, PierreMartin-Moulin. With themeetingnearing completion, TomCrozier addressedCouncil for the last timebefore standing down. Tom’s address toCouncil was verymuch in keepingwithhis ‘reflections’ as reportedonpage4. Then followed theelections– the results of whichare evident onpage7. PhillipPowell wasunanimously re-appointed to the roleof National Archivist, andBob McCormackwas appointedas LondonReceptionOfficer. Tomduly handedover toMick to concludeproceedings. TheNCMweekend isnot all about business. The attendanceof somany partners and friendsmakes for a special fewdays of social interaction. This weekendwasnodifferent. It alsoprovides theopportunity to formally recogniseand reward service to theAssociation. Weweredelighted that DCCDerekBenson from Essex Police joinedus as guest of theorganising committeeat our informalmeal onFriday night. The final event of theweekendwas theGalaDinner. demonstratedover theweekend, and for the real sense of friendshipand respect that characterised thebusiness meetings. Thiswas later endorsed ina letter fromKees Sal - to read it visit: www.ipa-uk.org/News/section-uk- and-10-region-congratulated-on-ncm I gladly echo those comments. Dave Taylor In their concluding commentsbothMickand Tom thankeddelegates for theprofessionalism

is the goodandkindpeople I have come toproperly know andof the friendships that havebeen cemented. However, seekingelection to theNEC is about farmore. Mymotivationwasborneout of abelief that I couldmake apositive contribution. (While I canpromise that I was notmotivatedby self- interest, it seems selfish tonow admit that ahappy if unforeseen consequenceof joining theNECwas that itmademy transition into retirement from thePolice somucheasier than I hadanticipated). I trust thatmy time servingon theNEChasbeenof some benefit to theAssociation. I amnot onewhobelieves in legacies, and forme therewill only ever beone legacy that shouldbe celebrated in IPAand that is Arthur Troop’s. That said, inmy reflections over the past six years, I think thisNEChaveembeddeda number of innovations that weare justly proudof (for moredetails see: www.ipa-uk.org/News/tom-crozier- reflects-on-his-time-in-office-as-section-uk-president

thisupdateon theprinciplebusiness meeting in theSection’s calendar. TheNCM this year washostedby 10Regionat theCrownePlazaFive LakesHotel near Colchester.My first duty onbehalf of theNECand delegates is to thankSteve Jennings,

MikeStanbury, SteveHunt and theentireorganising committee for their hardworkorganising theevent. It was pleasing toplay host tomore international guests thannormal. Dr AldoCarriola, VicePresident of Section Italywas theprincipal guest of SectionUK, andweweredelightedby thepresenceof Declan O’Byrne (NEC, Section Ireland) andhiswife Janicewho attendedas guests of 2Region, andKeesSal and JohannaSchotanus (SectionNetherlands). Notable by their absence this year wereStephenandDiane CrockardwhohavenotmissedanNCM in22 years! Unfortunately Stephen’s commitments tohis roleas Assistant International SecretaryGeneralmeant he had tobeelsewhere. TheNCM itselfmay beaoneday businessmeeting, but in truth thebusiness is conductedover twodays, with less formalmeetings of theRegion Treasurers, Secretaries andChairs and the correspondingNEC representatives takingplaceonFriday. It is also true that thesemeetings allow formany things tobe agreed inadvanceof the formalmeeting. It was very heartening tohaveoneof our international guests complement the friendlymanner inwhich these meetingswere conducted. As for theNCM itself, theNational Treasurer FredBoyd was first on the floor for theNEC. Inexplainingour expenditureplans for next year Freddeliberatedwith delegates on thedifficultieswithmanaginga limited budget against themany competingdemands. Council unanimously approved the financial reports. Onbehalf of theNEC, VPRonnie

Sowhy am I leavingofficenow? I can say Imadeanhonourabledecisionwhen I stood for President in2011. That isnot the sameas saying it was the right thing forme; I havenever coveted the role. I didhowever believe that I had something tooffer and theofficeof Presidentmaximises theopportunities for influencing strategy. The roledemands ahigher profileand visibility andmy age is apersonal consideration forme. Had I chosen to standagain, I wouldbe62 in three years’ time. Pauline and I still haveother as yet unrealisedambitions, and want toachieve themwhileweare relatively fit andable. Lengthy travels and servingon theNECare incompatible. I amnot disappearing. Paulineand I will continue to run the IPAHouse inScotland, and I intend tobecomemore involvedagainat Branch. I will be forever grateful for having theopportunity to serveasChair of 1Region, SecretaryGeneral and thenPresident of SectionUK. I am grateful to you, the members for your forbearanceand your continuing commitment to volunteering. I believe that inMick Luke youhaveaPresident you can trust to listen to youand support you.Whereas I

Dukes proposedestablishing aSectionwide lottery. This too receivedunanimous support. (Seepage20). VPMarkKernohan thendebated withCouncil the recent significant increases in costsassociatedwith thedistributionof PoliceWorld.

InternationalPoliceAssociation SectionUK

After consideringanumber of options, delegatesmandated Markand theNEC toadopt aprogressive approach to cost reductionwhilemaintaining the current quarterly cycleof PoliceWorld. Only oneproposal fromRegionswas put toa vote, namely theproposal from6Region that the London ReceptionOfficer (LRO) role shouldbeanational appointment. Thiswas agreedonly after the removal of references toanagreedbudget. It was accepted

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