Police World Edition 3 2014


VivienneCatherall-Powell, 11 region, receives her Presidential award

SteveBretherton, 8Region, receives hisHonorary LifeAward

JohnHutchins, 9Region, receives hisHonorary LifeAward

MikeStanbury, 10Region, receives hisPresidential award

BobMcCormack, 6Region, receives hisPresidential Award

KenDavies, 4Region, receives hisPresidential Award

TessaAdams, 7Region, receives her Presidential Award

2Regionwith theMillenniumShield

JohannaSchotanus andKeesSal present TomCrozierwitha certificate andgifts onbehalf of International President PierreMartin-Moulin

CaroleSpence receives the Shieldonbehalf of 2Region


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014

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