Police World Edition 3 2014


CelebrationWeekend SectionUKhaveorganisedaweekendof celebration tomark thebirthof Arthur Troop, founder of the IPA, takingplace12–14December 2014. Event organiser, RonnieDukes, describeswhat isplanned. T heweekendwill centre inNottingham withexcursions toStamfordand Lincoln. OnFriday afternoon therewill bean

Whowas Arthur Troop?

throughout theweekendwill be centredon Jury’s InnHotel. There is aPremier InnHotel opposite the Jury’s InnHotel and thiswill be a suitable venueaswell. If youarebooking thePremier InnHotel, pleasemake sure that youbookNottinghamArena (London Road) - as thereare several inNottingham. Theweekendpackage, not including accommodationand transfers to / from Nottingham is £60 per person. Many havealready registered to takepart in the celebrations including guests from abroad. Deadline for registration: 30 July, 2014. If youwould like to takepart, pleaseensure that youbeat thedeadline, as cateringand transport will be reservedonly for those that have registered. This is great opportunity tomeet withother members fromhomeandabroadand to share inwhat will bea great occasion. Visit: www.ipa-uk.org/write/ Documents/810_Arthur_Troop_ Centenary_Weekend_registration_ form.docx todownload thebooking form. Please send completed form to: lib.jones@ipa-uk.org

opportunity to visit theSectionUKAdministration Centre inNottingham. National Archivist, Phillip Powell, is currentlyworkingonarrangingand sourcing someuniquememorabilia for a special exhibition. He isbeingassistedbyMikeVince, IPAmember andmember of thePoliceHistory Society. Oneof theexhibitswill highlight thekey features / landmarks inpolicingover the last century. Therewill alsobea chance tomeet Kevin Troop, Arthur’s sonwho is fully supportiveof what isbeingarranged. OnFriday evening, guestswill dineat a local restaurant. Thiswill beanother opportunity to get tomeet everyonewho is takingpart over theweekend, with representation from several overseasSections already confirmed. OnSaturday, guestswill travel to Lincoln to take part in theunveilinganddedication ceremony of a commemorativeplaque. In Lincoln therewill be theopportunity for sightseeing, festive shopping andanoptional tour of themagnificent Lincoln Cathedral. In theevening, adinner dancewill take place inNottingham. OnSundaymorning, guestswill depart. Althoughaccommodation isnot included in the packagepreferential rateshavebeen secured (subject toavailability) at Jury’s InnHotel in Nottingham. Transport toand from the locations

Arthur wasborn in1914, in Lincoln. Hisdream of foundingaworld friendshiporganisationwas initially thought eccentricby hisChief Constable and theHomeOffice. However, their opinion changedwhenArthur was awarded theBritish EmpireMedal in1965. Readmoreat: www. ipa-uk.org/IPA-History

IPAArthur TroopCentenaryBadge OrderTODAY StockNowAvailable mark the centenary year of Arthur Troop'sbirth. Thenew special editionpinbadge is availableNOW at £2 incP&P. Place your order today viaemail: mail@ipa-uk.org and then sendpayment viaPAYPALpayable to themail@ipa-uk.orgaddress. TheSectionUKCommunications Teamhavedesigned andproducedanArthur TroopCentenary pinbadge to

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014


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