police world Edition 1 2013
Branch Event
An Extra Pair of Hands
Upl fting Experience in Poland
The group at the ‘Wolf’s Lair’
At Allan’s home in Rothbury
We hadn’t considered a summer holiday in Northern Poland until we met Bugoslav Wilk, a member from Section Poland, during an IPA trip to Germany. Bugoslav, affectionately known as Bogdan, invited us to visit his home in Mragowo - which is in the Masurian District of Poland. My wife Anitra and I together with Moyra Richardson, another Thames Valley North member, accepted the invitation and travelled to Poland to stay with Bogdan and his family. Also staying with us were Karl and Doris Ruckelshauss from Grunberg, Section Germany. Our first outing saw us on the Elblag Canal. We boarded the boat at Jelenie and before long arrived at the foot of a grass incline. We were surprised to see that canal didn’t continue in front of us. But noted that we had docked into what appeared to be a railed off enclosure. Shortly after, a bell sounded and the whole structure, including our boat, moved forward and we were hauled by rope up the grass incline. When we left the water we saw that we were held in a cradle. Up we went to the top where once again we were in the canal and set free to merrily go on our way. This happened another three times. It was an amazing and unique contraption. Our next visit took us via narrow gauge train to a barbecue site where we had a lunch of smoked carp and catfish - which was surprisingly delicious. Bogdan was aware the I am a rail enthusiast and insisted that I help the driver. So, I had the honour of riding with the driver on the way back. It was a lovely day and included our first sight of some of the many lakes that make up the Polish Lake District. The water theme continued as it had been arranged for us to go kayaking. Bright eyed and bushy tailed we arrived at our starting point to be confronted by four kayaks. After some discussion as to who should be paired with who - we set off. Despite direction issues, we navigated three rivers and four lakes and began to wonder when we would arrive at our destination. “Let’s make it to that island in the far distance” , said Bogdan. “Is that where we finish?” , we asked. “No we have to go back to the mouth of the last river” , he replied. We decided that we had gone far enough - having covered 13 kilometres so we headed home weary but having enjoyed our experience thoroughly. Our last full day was spent on a lake steamer. It was beautiful and it was obvious why the area is known as ‘the lungs of Poland’. Finally it was time to take our leave of Mragovo. We had been royally looked after by Bogdan and his family. During the visit we had time to beautiful old towns, the Wolf’s Lair, Hitler’s main bunker during WWII, stunning castles and fascinating police stations. We had a lovely time thanks to Bogdan. Marta, his daughter, came back with us as we agreed to host her for a week in England - to help her with her English. The week she spent with us centred mainly on
It has become something of a tradition for Northumbria branch to hold their summer BBQ at the home of branch Chair, Allan Young. Everything was arranged days before the big day. Even the lawn games were dusted off in
Branch members enjoying the good weather
preparation for fun to come. On Friday evening there was a weather warning on local TV. Severe rain and high winds were forecast... The event organisers were concerned so they made enquiries to see if anyone locally had a spare tent they could borrow. Allan Young, his wife, and a kind neighbour ended up extracting the local scout group’s small marquee from under the village hall stage. Allan Young said “ We managed to get some sort of skeleton erected but it was obvious that we needed more help. Two young lads took pity on us and stepped in to help out. After one false start, pulling on the wrong canvas, we managed to find the right one and suddenly it looked like a tent. It even had windows in the side. About 11.30pm we managed to erect what we all decided was definitely not a ‘small’ marquee.” The next day, sixty members and the chefs performed miracles on what turned out to be the hottest day of the year! The marquee did have some use though, as people used it to shelter from the sun - such is the unpredictability of British weather.
IPA Members Offered 30% Discount at Hotel in Crete
sightseeing in London, Oxford, Windsor and the local Milton Keynes area. We can thoroughly recommend a trip to Poland and if you have an IPA contact there all the better. We will certainly return some day in the not too distant future.
The Chania Region of Section Hellas has announced that IPA members can save 30% during the summer months (1 May to 30 October 2013) at a family hotel in Crete. Information and Booking:
E-mail: info@palladion-apartments.com Internet: www.palladion-apartments.com
Are we nearly there yet?
John Bull , Thames Valley North branch
Police World Vol 58 No.1 2013 21
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