
IPA News

Motorcycle SIG: Post Christmas Bash Paul Firth , Motorcycle SIG Chairman & North Wales Branch. The motorcycle Special Interest Group held its Post-Christmas ‘bash’ in Cambridge this year. In a break from our traditional afternoon lunch in Melton, we opted for a weekend break in the lovely university city. We used one of the Premier Inns as a base, which was a 25 minute walk along the river into the centre. Our members chose to stay either 1, 2 or even 3 nights, depending on their availability. We all agreed the weather was too cold, foggy and miserable to risk using our motorbikes. Everyone arrived by car, with the exception of our Treasurer Mike, who had a free journey via public transport. Nineteen of us arrived on Friday and got to meet Elvis (no, not that one). This Elvis was the Landlord at the Geldart, a rather quirky music themed pub, where our meals were served on hot rocks. Saturday was a free day, when we all headed out on separate adventures into Cambridge. Our various sightseeing opportunities took in the museums and architecture of what is, a beautiful city. Our official group meal was in Bill’s Bar, where we were welcomed by Laura. With Covid having decimated her staff, Laura showed great patience with our large group, especially considering she was nine hours in to a 12 hour shift. We had a recessed area away from the main restaurant mostly to ourselves, which kept us ‘distanced’ from the masses. This might have been a Covid thing, or intended to preserve the ambience of the place for everyone else. Despite being short 30% of their Kitchen staff, our meal was well received. A couple of us had to wait longer than was acceptable, but they both got their meals free. Sunday saw another trip around Cambridge for those who stayed the extra night. We visited the David Attenborough Building and the Zoology Museum. This was followed by drinks at the Eagle pub, in their Bomber Command tribute bar. They even served Gluten Free Ale for our Chairman with the dodgy diet. Our final night was at the fantastically named, Giggling Squid Thai restaurant, which we all highly recommend. Any member interested in coming along to sample our Motorcycle SIG hospitality, please get in touch with us on You will be made very welcome. Branch AGM – Glasgow, Lomond & Clyde Branch On 27th February members of the Glasgow, Lomond & Clyde Branch met for their AGM at the Metropolitan Restaurant in Glasgow. During the AGM, six members were awarded their 30th or 40th year anniversary certificates. After the AGM, members enjoyed a lunch, where it was fantastic for members to meet up in person after so long. The existing committee were re-elected and were joined by David Kerr and Roddy MacKenzie, who have taken on the PR role within the Branch. Chairperson Evelyn Greechan said “It has been great to see so many of our branch members face to face again, after the restrictions of the pandemic. We have been advised of more members who have supported the IPA and are due certificates. The branch are arranging for these to be presented”

Gary Craig and Allan Walker with a donation to The Thin Blue Line

Thin Blue Line UK Gary Craig , Thin Blue Line UK I give a huge thanks to Allan from Selkirk Distillers, who attended IPA Members Day, to launch their Thin Blue Line UK Gin. What a fitting place to do so, at the International Police Association - Section UK headquarters in Nottingham, whose whole ethos is about friendship and supporting each other. We were presented with a cheque for £2700 to add to previous donations, bringing the total raised so far to £5000. Also huge thanks to the IPA section UK, and particularly Clive Wood and Sean Hannigan, for their continued support to the charity. We care deeply about mental health and breaking down the barriers associated with it. Thank you all for a wonderful year and we promise we will continue to do what we can.

Branch members enjoy lunch after the AGM

David Kerr receives his certificate from Evelyn Greechan

POLICE WORLD Vol 67 No.2, 2022


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