Police World Edition 3 2014
PaulaBertschandFraukeNeebwithofficers from theMarineSupport Unit
An International Learning&Development ExchangeProgramme (ILDEP) developedby IPA toprofessionalise theexchangeprocess, isnowupand running. ILDEPhasalready, in the short time since its launch, helped many policeofficerswithprofessional exchanges. Thisarticlegives insight into the ILDEP journey of three officers fromGermany. P aulaBertsch, FraukeNeeband AndreasWallich fromHessen, Germany completed internships in London. Sav and two sergeantswhoexplained their duties and theorganisationof theMetropolitanPolice Service. Over thenext fewdaysheaccompanied ConstableBenandConstableFarhanonpatrol andwent on several ‘blue light runs’ through NottingHill, KensingtonandHydePark. ILDEPProvesBeneficial toGermanOfficers
arrangea visit toScotlandYardCrimeMuseum, the Tower of London, 10DowningStreet and the PalaceofWestminster. PaulaandFraukeended in saying, “ Everyone involved inour stayworked very hard tomake it as excitingand variedas possible.Weareboth pleasedand very positivewith the very friendly receptionwe received. If suchanopportunity aroseagainwewould love to comeback to London.” To findoutmoreabout ILDEP visit: www.ipa-uk.org/ILDEP Readabout MartinPemble’s experience in theUSat: www.ipa-uk.org/News/ipa- step-in-to-assist-with -us-course
Kyriakou, fromMiddlesex branch, dealt with the requests from the threeofficers andarranged for them tobeaccommodated ina ‘sectionhouse’ in London. PaulaBertsch, FraukeNeebhad chosen to spend their timewith theMetropolitanPoliceServiceas part of their Bachelor’sDegreeprogramme. Most of their internshipwas spent with the Criminal InvestigationDepartment at theRoyal Boroughof KensingtonandChelseaas they both wish to specialise indetectivework. They alsohad theopportunity toworkalongsideother specialist units including the TrafficPoliceand theChild Abuse Investigation Team. Speaking toPoliceWorld they explained, “A particularly excitingdaywas spent with the MarineSupport Unit, whichprovideduswitha uniqueopportunity of seeingLondonpoliced from anentirely different perspective - not tomention aboardanexceptionally fast boat!” Sav arranged for Andreas to spend timeat KensingtonPoliceStationand introducedhim to the “Response Team” that hewouldbeworking with. Andreas said, “As I amapatrol officer in Stuttgart I was particularly looking forward to seeinghowmy London colleagues performed their duties.” Hewas initially shownaroundby the inspector
Andreas added, “During thisweek I learneda lot about policework inEnglandandalsogot amore critical lookat thepractices inmy own country.” Andreaswas also given theopportunity towork with theCID, theChildAbusive Investigation Team andwas assigned to the ‘TrafficPolice’. In summary he said, “My twoweeks internship was over tooquickly and I am very glad that I was able toexperience theMetropolitanPolice Service. It has expandedbothmy privateand professional horizons immensely. I amalso very grateful for thewarmwelcome I received from my English counterparts and to the IPA for this opportunity.” The visitingofficers alsohad time to visitmany of the tourist spots Londonoffers. Savwas able to
Officers from theMetropolitanPoliceService
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
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